A Bridging of Dimensions
"It resonates some kind of harmonic and it gets lighter. And if you hit it with enough terahertz, it’ll float."
On NewsNation this past week, Former NGA and NRO official David Grusch went further than anyone of his rank has gone before in revealing details of government UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs.
Grusch stated that the vehicles recovered are not human in origin due to the analysis of the materials they consist of, and that the bodies of the beings piloting these craft have been recovered as well. There was also an insinuation that world governments had made agreements with this off-world intelligence.
Grusch's claims that we're not alone were backed up by several other officials within the intelligence community (IC). The lawyer who helped him file the inspector general (IG) complaint over retaliation for his reporting these UAP programs to Congress was the original IC IG, lending much more credibility to his claims.
The information about these crash retrieval programs is now under investigation by the IC IG, and was corroborated by the office using testimony from other individuals with first-hand knowledge and experience with these legacy UFO programs.
However, Grusch left the door open for other interpretations of what the intelligence behind these craft might be and what the purpose of the vehicles could tell us about the nature of reality.
It turns out UFOs may be much more than spacecraft, and their occupants’ origins are a bit more complex than what we would consider extraterrestrial.
Interdimensional Non-human Intelligence
In his interview with Ross Coulthart on Sunday evening, Grusch elaborated on the details of what that could mean.
Coulthart: You are alleging that the US government has been concealing the existence, on this planet, of alien life?
Grusch: I would couch it as non-human intelligence, NHI like we would like to say in our language.
Coulthart: Whay do you say that? Why do you say NHI?
Grusch: I don't necessarily want to denote origin. I don't think we have all the data to say, "Oh, they're coming from a certain location." I couch it as someone who studied physics, where maybe they're coming from a different physical dimension as described in quantum mechanics. You know, there's extra dimensions due to high-energy particle collisions, et cetera, and there's a theoretical framework to explain that.
The inter- or extra-dimensional hypotheses of UFO origins have been around for a long time, but to hear a former senior intelligence official say on television in primetime was striking, to say the least.
Further along in the interview, Grusch expanded on the advanced physics that these vehicles may be utilizing to accomplish the seemingly impossible maneuvers reported by pilots, reportedly on a daily basis.
Coulthart (voiceover): Grusch says they may not be traveling through space as we understand it.
Grusch: It is a well-established fact — at least mathematically and based on empirical observation and analysis — that there are most likely physical, additional spatial dimensions. You could imagine 4 and 5-D space that we experience as linear time ends up being a physical dimension in a higher-dimensional space, where if you were living there, you could transit across what we perceive as a linear flow. So there is a possibility — and this is a theory here, I'm not saying this is one hundred percent the case — but it could be that this is not necessarily extraterrestrial and it's actually coming from a higher dimensional physical space that might be co-located right here.
Coulthart: What can you tell me about these craft and these technologies? Why do you know it's exotic?
Grusch: Based on very specific properties that I was briefed on. Isotopic ratios that have to be engineered for it to be at those levels, but also just extremely strange, heavy atomic metal high up on the periodic table. Arrangements where we don't understand what the emergent properties are. There's just a very strange mix of elements.
This notion of arrangements of unusual isotopes has been noted by Stanford professor Dr. Garry Nolan in his own study of reported exotic materials he has undertaken. He uses similar reasoning to Grusch when asking whether or not these materials are made by humans due to the cost of engineering and their unknown applicable function.
Let's say we didn't have transistors today and one of these objects dropped a big chunk of germanium doped with other elements, or, you know, these little transistors. We would not have a clue as to the function, and we would ask 'why would anyone put arrays of germanium with these strange impurities in them… what is this thing?'
Anybody who's engineering materials these days for doing any kind of advanced electronics and photonics understands that where the atoms are in the structure matters. There's a thing that's often used in biology called the structure-function relationship.
Structure defines the function. Sometimes, if you can just see the structure, you can understand the function…The next frontier of materials study is atomic. If you want to understand something very advanced, you better have something like this in your back pocket.
Returning to the reverse engineering aspect of these craft, we need to ask ourselves what the government could possibly know about these materials.

Interestingly, Nolan's colleague Dr. Hal Puthoff has stated that he understands as a fact that private aerospace companies are withholding materials science from the rest of academia that may have been reverse-engineered from UFOs.
String theorist Eric Weinsten pushes him on this in an interview.
Weinstein: Another puzzle we'd love to have cleared up is an understanding of the role of aerospace as a holder of basic scientific knowledge not shared with the academic world. Is it possible? It seems very wrong to me.
Puthoff: It may be wrong, but it's true.
Weinstein: It is true. You believe it's true.
Puthoff: Yeah, I know it's true.
Weinstein: You know that there's physics knowledge held by aerospace companies that is not knowm.
Puthoff: There certainly is materials science which involves topological physics.
This conversation sent me down the rabbit hole of topology, a branch of mathematics that focuses on the fundamental properties of objects.
Questions of Topology
One of the main ideas of this area of science is that topological properties don't change when an object is stretched or bent. The object has to be torn or attached in new places. Furthermore, topological properties exist at the quantum level.
In researching the basics of topology and how it may relate to the UFO phenomenon, I stumbled upon an introductory article on topological materials. The description of these materials certainly sounds like they could account for several of the five observables of UAP as described by Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon's UFO program.
The 2016 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded for breakthroughs in topology, specifically the creation of the topological insulator. These devices are insulating on the inside and conductive on the outside, allowing electricity and occasionally light to flow around corners and defects in materials with virtually no losses.

I'm not going to pretend I know what any of this actually means on a granular level, but a few items mentioned in this piece caught my eye.
The first item of intrigue has to do with the example listed in the article of how it relates to shapes independent of deformation.
Topology is the branch of mathematics that explores the nature of shapes independent of deformation. For instance, an object shaped like a doughnut can be deformed into the shape of a mug so that the doughnut’s hole becomes the hole in the cup’s handle. However, the object couldn’t lose the hole without changing into a fundamentally different shape.
This brings to mind certain stories that have been told over the years in UFOlogy, usually where a person entered a craft of a relatively expected size and the inside turned out to be much larger than the outside would lead one to believe.
This was most recently described in an article quoting lawyer Danny Sheehan, who has worked with many UFO witnesses and whistleblowers over the years.
The attorney told DailyMail.com that one alleged recovery, recounted to him by a supposed crash retrieval program insider, involved a 30ft saucer partially embedded in the earth, with some fantastical properties.
'They tried to hook a bulldozer to it to pull it out. And it pulled out a shape like a pie slice, almost like it was part of the way it was constructed,' Sheehan said.
'When it came loose a couple feet, they stopped immediately. They didn't want to destroy the integrity of the machine.
'They had a guy go into it. He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside.
'It was the size of a football stadium, while the outside was only about 30 feet in diameter.'
Sheehan said that space was not the only warped dimension around the craft.
'He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later,' he said. 'There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion.'
This got me thinking.
Perhaps UFOs are using some form of topological material that allows the matter making up the craft to become configured in a different way on the inside, as long as the fundamental shape of the object stays the same.

Another interesting connection between UFO lore and topological materials is that one of the leading candidates for topological insulators is bismuthene, a single layer of bismuth atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice.
Researchers have only just begun studying bismuthene in the laboratory, so it hasn’t made it into transistors yet. Other materials have not yet been synthesized. “This work takes a lot of time, and we don’t expect that the transistors we envision will be in your iPhone next year, or perhaps even in this decade,” Fuhrer says.
So could bismuthene, a potential topological material that we have just begun to understand, be a clue to what might allow these UFOs to behave in the way we perceive them?
Bismuthene sounds like it may have been the atomically layered bismuth, along with magnesium zinc, that was present in the infamous "Arts Parts" UFO materials as described in Ross Coulthart's In Plain Sight.
Linda Moulton Howe’s website has a picture of one of these pieces of metal, which is optimistically described as ‘Micron-layered Bismuth and Magnesium Zinc from bottom of wedge-shaped UFO in late 1940s near White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico’.7 It is this curved lump of metal – the UFO ‘Skin’ – that has drawn an extraordinary amount of interest and speculation over the past quarter-century since it was sent to Art Bell.
Incredible claims have been made over the years about these pieces of layered bismuth/magnesium-zinc. Laboratory tests show the thin lines of bismuth range in width from one to four microns, less than the size of a human blood cell, which is about five microns in width.
The magnesium-zinc is said to vary in width from 100 to 200 microns, which is about the diameter of a human hair. Howe says she was told by one exotic metals manufacturer in New Jersey that it simply was not possible to layer bismuth and magnesium in any known industrial process. ‘It can’t be done!’ she was told. ‘The layers won’t bond with each other.'
A couple questions are raised when connecting these dots.
Did scientists in 2016 win the Nobel prize by figuring out how to bond these layers?
Are these topological materials the answer to how these craft can possibly make the maneuvers and manipulate spacetime in the way they seem to do?
Extra Dimensions
A claim made by Tom DeLonge that was also detailed in Coulthart's book, who's To The Stars Academy came into possession of these same "Art's Parts," is that these materials become anti-gravitic in nature when hit with the right frequencies.
But, in his enthusiasm for his subject, DeLonge also made the claim in his October 2017 interview with Joe Rogan that one of these UAP samples he saw actually lost mass when it was radiated with terahertz frequencies. ‘Something weird. It resonates some kind of harmonic and it gets lighter. And if you hit it with enough terahertz it’ll float,’ he claimed.
Returning to the article on topological materials, we have another intriguing coincidence that may show a connection between purported UFO technology and topology.
The first topological insulators to find practical use may in fact be photonic, not electronic. One possible application could be lasers that incorporate topological protection…This laser works in terahertz frequencies, which are useful for cancer screening and airport security scans.
So terahertz frequencies, bismuth, and deformation of objects all appear to connect the lore of UFOs to topological materials.

But what of the extra-dimensional aspect of these craft described by Grusch in his interview with Coulthart?
It turns out that topological insulators can exist in more than three spatial dimensions.
Materials known as topological insulators have the unusual property of being able to conduct electricity on their surface even though they are insulators inside. If that weren’t strange enough, physicists have now shown experimentally that such materials can exist in four spatial dimensions. The researchers, based in Singapore and the UK, achieved this feat by wiring up a stack of electric circuit boards to represent a highly interconnected lattice, and say that their scheme could be extended to five or even six dimensions.
So if these craft can exist in a dimension higher than we can currently perceive, it sounds like using topological materials and mathematics would be the way to transcend these planes to arrive down at our own.
Perhaps the inside of the craft is still existing in those higher dimensions while the exterior is an interface with the lower 3D reality that we inhabit.
But what of the supposed connection between consciousness and UFOs as mentioned in the decades of literature?
What do we make of the claims that consciousness itself is what powers these craft?
Sandcastles In the Brain
Another coincidence here is that our brain responds to stimuli by creating structures that can form in up to 11 dimensions using algebraic topology.
We're used to thinking of the world from a 3-D perspective, so this may sound a bit tricky, but the results of this study could be the next major step in understanding the fabric of the human brain - the most complex structure we know of.
This brain model was produced by a team of researchers from the Blue Brain Project, a Swiss research initiative devoted to building a supercomputer-powered reconstruction of the human brain.
The team used algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics used to describe the properties of objects and spaces regardless of how they change shape.
They found that groups of neurons connect into 'cliques', and that the number of neurons in a clique would lead to its size as a high-dimensional geometric object (a mathematical dimensional concept, not a space-time one).
"We found a world that we had never imagined," said lead researcher, neuroscientist Henry Markram from the EPFL institute in Switzerland.
"There are tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. In some networks, we even found structures with up to 11 dimensions."
Although the article goes through pains to indicate that the multi-dimensional structures are not meant to be understood as space-time dimensions, many scientists have pointed to a deeper level of physics that may exist outside the framework of spacetime.

Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman is famously known for repating the mantra “spacetime is doomed” when it comes to the idea that consciousness is fundamental.
If that is indeed the case, could these neuron cliques be interfacing with these these UAP in dimensions we can't perceive at the 3D conscious level?
Is this the connection between consciousness and the UFO phenomenon?
There are a lot of coincidences here that even a layperson like myself has to take into consideration when reading through these complex concepts like topology and consciousness.
Hopefully, at some point, these questions can be answered in a comprehensive way.
But I think any scientifically-minded person looking into the UFO phenomenon would do well by finding the connections between these UAP and the science behind topology.
This is such a great rabbit hole to dig into! This bit at the end of the introduction to topology you linked has me VERY intrigued: “The future of topological materials discovery and applications might not be in the design of new materials, but in...the rediscovery of interesting materials with overlooked properties,” Wieder says. “The next highly desirable solid-state material might be hiding in a 70-year-old paper, if you know where to look.”
Synchronicity. I'm not really an elements guy. And I'm sure I learned of bismuth in high school. However, I recently accidentally stumbled upon "bismuth crystals" on Amazon. It was all new to me. I gave a look of, you've got to be kidding me. What a tell.