Excellent article. I had no idea Monsanto would be involved.

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Appreciate you bro. Fight the Power ✊

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Great article Klaus. NOTHING makes me angrier than condescending snark from "JuST aSKiNg qUeSTiOnS bRo" morons who allege to be "skeptical" but in reality are just devout believers in Scientism.

These are the same guys who from March 2020-November 2020 were saying "I'd NEVER take a COVID vaccine made by the Trump Administration" but after the election did a 180° turnaround & argued all unvaccinated people should be totally ostracized from society.

People like this have no principles, they are utterly devoid of morality & must be stopped before their behavior can metastasize.

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Haven't read this yet but just wanted to say a big thanks for all the work you put into this stuff. It's exciting every time you drop something new 🩵

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