Klaus - re recent twitter post on lat/long in monsters of California - some ChatGPT searching...

Can you give me a google maps link for 41.657 longitude and 28.029 latitude?

Here is the Google Maps link for 41.657° longitude and 28.029° latitude:


This will take you to the coordinates 28.029° latitude and 41.657° longitude on Google Maps. This should show you a location in Saudi Arabia, near the city of Medina.

Can you give me the same link for 41.657 latitude and 28.029 longitude?

Here is the Google Maps link for 41.657° latitude and 28.029° longitude:


This location is in Turkey, near the coast of the Black Sea.

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Hi Klaus - long time fan and subscriber - just “re-added” you on Twitter - can verify I’m not a jerk/crazy person somehow. @bakerjake - I really value the stuff you post. You’re one of about 3 accounts I immediately directly visit when I check Twitter. Figured helpful to message you here as you may be screening followers and I don’t post much to have interacted with you. Thanks!

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Shocked that you aren't at least using an Amazon affiliate link. I would definitely use them to support your efforts. TY for your consistently great content.

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