Solid. I appreciate the willingness to open up and be more speculative.

In a weird related sense, it makes me wonder about the USG's motivations for secrecy and how much of it is related to avoiding unnecessary reactivity within the populace and scientific community. Reading through the UAPCaucus website, they have a collection of scientific literature on the topic and I was frankly fascinated by the breadth of researchers involved with the topic, creating new frameworks for inquiry with a couple of individuals like Loeb appearing in a significant amount of the work. It appears to be a grounded first principles approach.

As a final connection, I've noticed an emergence within the dialogue of the point of view that analysis of individually submitted footage fails to provide much actionable or useful information and I would tend to agree. I wish AARO's guidelines for analyzing cases could become standard within the online discourse surrounding the topic, as videos being analyzed from a simple visual and film forensic point of view devoid of the individual who took the video and their state of mind/phenomenological experience leading up to the encounter are useful clues towards piecing together the nature of the phenomenon's interaction with humans and secondarily the authenticity of the footage. I am skeptical that devoid of said context any footage will be impactful at a scale beyond any one individual or sub-community. I believe this is what Corbell/Knapp are getting at when they repeatedly emphasize the credibility of Fravor, socially speaking we can agree that those operating multimillion-dollar flying-fighting machines that take years of training to learn should be grounded individuals and reliable people. Thus the Nimitz case is the Goldilocks starting point for public discourse, it has the most facts that we can all agree on.

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I seriously love the discussion of the influence of fungi and viruses on Earth’s biological development. Uncle Lou’s dogs could be the idea that a fungus wanted off this planet and used ape’s to build them a rocket and they left 😜

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Phuken phenomenal as usual👍

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Great episode guys. Lot of fun, with a couple shake your head moments... This topic has so many facets.....

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So you’re saying Biden directed the aliens to inject Covid into mushrooms that he’s flooding the world with to force abortions?

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